Crystal is the New Wolf opens tomorrow!

Squeezing quick BLOG in, hectic getting Crystal is the New Wolf together. Will Barras came up Tuesday, him and and Rue Five have painted a beauty of a mural in the space and we're hanging their work right now. Will has made a collection of watercolours, woodcuts and etchings, and Rue Five has been scribbling away on his ever improving, intricate drawings and paintings, using antique pencils and found and collected beautiful old paper.

Got great mention in Plus1 magazine, you can download it here.

We've had ace time with the boys and the show is going to look dope. Hope to see you there!

Opens Friday 15th May, 7-10pm. The show then runs till the 6th of June open Tues to Sun 12-6pm.

You can see examples of some previous work here, but check back after the opening for photos and pictures of all the pieces and the colab mural.