The Holiday Special


Our next exhibition opens on the 14th of November, 7-10pm. Its called The Holiday Special because all pieces will be a mega £40 or under, you cannae beat it!

We've got over 30 artists taking part that include established names like illustration duo, Goodwives and Warriors, graffiti artist, Elph, graphic artist, Kirsty Whiten and Scrawl Collective member, Stefan Plaetz, but will also showcase work from new graduates, Gareth Davies, Caroline Mooney and Fiona Hunter.

You can check out some examples of work that will be in the show here.

The show has been kindly sponsored by the Lansdowne bar, so like last time, we'll fire round there for drinkys after the opening, hope you can make it.

The show runs till the 21st of December, open from 12-6pm Tuesday to Sunday.